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Dr. Howard Robins, DPM - Ozone Therapy
New York, NY 10019
Astor Apiaries
41021-801-6004Black Seed Bagels
332-900-3090Blue Star Bio Feedback
239-851-4729Featured Listings
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After an initial consultation and alignment treatment, patients choose a massage technique, such as Swedish or deep tissue
New Patients Only. Cannot combine with other offers
$28 for One Acupuncture Treatment ($55) $43 for One Acupuncture Treatment with Cupping ($85)
Acupuncture treatments are effective in combating various chronic pain conditions and chronic ailments.
$50 (reg $90) One Step Detox- Infrared Sauna, Vibration Therapy and Ionic Detox Footbath
Limit 1 coupon per person. Appointment required; please contact us at (631) 486-7880 to schedule. Offer is subject to availability, and appointment slots are limited. Coupon must be presented at the time of service to be valid. This offer may not be combined with any other promotions, discounts, or offers. Coupon is not applicable for previously scheduled appointments. No substitutions or exchanges are permitted. Merchant reserves the right to modify or cancel this promotion at any time without prior notice."
The Path to Healthy Living Starts with your Mouth Great Neck: 516-2828-0310 and New York City: 212-874-2880 Emergency Patients: 516-331-1989
All patients
Psychotherapy practice where therapists focus on behavioral, emotional and mental health.
Limit 1 per person. New Patients only. Cannot be combined with any other offer.
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