Wallingford, CT 06492
Dr. Franklin St. John founded HerbaSway in 1996, inspired by his interest in traditional Chinese medicine. He wanted to go beyond the typical multi-vitamin pill and really focus on specific nutritional goals. After a great deal of research, he decided to develop liquid concentrates so that they were better absorbed into the bloodstream as well as easier and more enjoyable to take every day.
HerbaSway, the maker of best-selling HerbaGreen Tea, now has 10 unique blends targeting different parts of the body using all-natural ingredients.
Over the years, the amount of nutrients in the food we eat has declined. HerbaSway’s commitment is to support a well-balanced diet and exercise plan with all-natural supplements that can be enjoyed daily and easily. HerbaSway has tailored natural ingredients including green tea and several fruit extracts to supplement the daily servings of necessary nutrients that we are otherwise unable to eat in one day. These products support a healthy lifestyle; ranging from immune health to cognitive function to healthy skin.