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Natural Awakenings NYC & Long Island

Editorial Overview

Your editorial submissions make Natural Awakenings a community resource for holistic and natural living. We want our readers to get to know you. Submitting editorial for one or more of our departments provides you with the opportunity to share knowledge and bring focus to your business.


News Briefs  (100-250 words) news-briefs-form
A News Brief is a timely, local New York region newsworthy item typically announced to readers. Whether you’ve opened a new office, have a special event coming up, or are offering new therapy, we want to hear about it. News Briefs are written in the third person and relevant to our subject matter. This is not an advertisement and should not be written as such. 

Environment Brief (100-250 words) environment-brief-form
Highlight the latest research studies, trends, and tips in an easy-to-digest format. Each focuses on a particular topic, such as recycling, sustainability, energy, the parks, etc. Submissions should always contain doable solutions or pertinent research findings on common conditions or health issues.

Health Brief (100-250 words) health-briefs-form
Highlight the latest research studies, trends, and tips in an easy-to-digest format. Each focuses on a particular topic, such as food, supplements, self-care, beauty, balance, and fitness. Submissions should always contain doable solutions or pertinent research findings on common conditions or health issues.

Local Insight Feature Articles 
(350-600 words) feature-article-form
Articles address several natural living topics to help readers attain a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle. Readers trust our content because it is educational, balanced, and engaging. Articles must be written in the third person them/they/those/people/attendees/participants). This is not an advertisement and should not be written as such. 

Business Spotlights (400-600 words) business-spotlight-form
A profile of a local business or practice, including the top benefits customers or patients can expect to gain when visiting the business or practice and the certifications/credentials, staff, services, products, and equipment used in enhancing their health. This may include a brief history of how the business or practice got started and why, and what the business or practice has to offer the community shortly.

Therapy Spotlight (400-600 words) therapy-spotlight-form
This spotlight concentrates on therapy or a combination of therapies you offer, not your whole business. Please include uses and benefits, where you learned it (them), and why you recommend your therapy(s). Do not write about yourself (something for a quote is okay); just supply objective information to answer the questions.

Product Spotlight (100-300 words) product-spotlight-form
This spotlight concentrates on a product or service that will benefit our readers. Please include its uses and benefits, the source of ingredients (where applicable), and why they are superior to similar products. Quotations are acceptable, subject to editing.

Reader Profile (350-550 words) reader-profile-form
This spotlight concentrates on therapy or a combination of therapies you offer, not your whole business. Please include uses and benefits, where you learned it (them), and why you recommend your therapy(s). Do not write about yourself (something for a quote is okay); just supply objective information to answer the questions.

Practitioner Profile (300-500 words) practitioner-profile-form
Practitioner profiles a local entrepreneur, business, practitioner, or another person of interest, including some personal perspective and biographical information exploring what they do and why. This profile may include a spiritual angle elaborating on the motives that drive them to contribute to the community.

Kudos (100-250 words) kudos-form
Do you have someone in mind who deserves special recognition for a recent achievement? Did you just pass your licensing exam? We want to let everyone know! 

Mark Your Calendar (40-60 words) mark-your-calendar-form
Highlight your event with our Mark Your Calendar feature. Your event will be highlighted with a green box and topped with a Mark Your Calendar header, sure to grab the reader's attention. This ad is placed in the Events Calendar.

Classifieds & Employment Listings (25 words and up) classifieds-and-employment-forms
Classified and employment ads start at $25 for 25 words.  Add $1 per every additional word.  

Cover Art
If you would like to submit artwork for consideration for our cover, e-mail images or link to [email protected]

Advertorial Articles and Book Reviews Available: (250-550 words)
Contact [email protected] with your editorial topics


  • The Deadline for submitting an editorial is on the 15th of the month. 
  • Style: Write in 3rd person. (Please, no “I, me, we, our, my, mine, you, or yours.”)
  • Examples of articles are viewable in our Digital Magazines
  • We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Follow General Style Guidelines.
  • Include the following information:
    Who is the newsmaker or sponsor? Please include name, title, and company/organization.
    What is newsworthy, timely, and of interest to our readers? Is there a cost to attend, participate, or service/treatment?
    When is the event, opportunity, or change taking place?
    Where is the event, opportunity, or change taking place? Include complete address.
    Why is this news important to readers at this time?
    How will this news story affect, and what’s the immediate benefit for our readers?
    Other brief background information (relevant credentials/experiences, store hours, or vital stats)
    Quote(s) of the person (s) to cite in the News Brief
    Contact information - name, phone, email, website URL
    Image, Headshot, Logo in .jpg or .png format (minimum 300 DPI)
    Press Releases - You may also simply send us your Press Release, and our writing staff can write the article. Send submissions to [email protected].

    See the PDFs below for more guidelines.


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