Resveratrol Protects Against Aging and More

by Franklin St. John
Resveratrol, the key component of red wine, has been identified as an antioxidant which has been linked specifically to anti-aging and many health success stories. This natural polyphenol has been detected in more than 70 plant species, especially in grapes’ skin and seeds. This would explain why the French, who drink red wine with every meal, have lower rates of heart disease compared to Americans, despite both population’s regular consumption of red meat as well as rich desserts in their diets.
Apart from its cardioprotective effects, resveratrol also exerts anticarcinogenic, antiviral, neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties. Resveratrol and other antioxidants protect our cells from damage by wrapping around the cell, acting as an extra layer of protection, preventing compounds floating around in our bloodstream from attacking and damaging that cell. This makes resveratrol an ally to the body in its constant war against free radical damage. Free radicals are unstable molecules in the body that can damage DNA in cells. In turn, this can increase the risk for disease.
Resveratrol’s anti-inflammatory properties help with brain and heart inflammation, too. Resveratrol helps expand the artery walls, allowing the blood to flow more easily. This means that there is less chance for platelets to accumulate on the arterial walls and cause a stoppage of blood flow and a possible heart attack. More so, its characteristic of making the arterial walls more flexible can affect the blood flow to the brain, helping cut the risk of stroke, and its neuroprotective qualities help preserve memory and brain function.
Resveratrol also exhibits antitumor activity and is considered a potential candidate for prevention and treatment of several types of cancer. Its anticancer properties have been confirmed by many studies, which show that resveratrol is able to inhibit all three cancer stages: initiation, promotion and progression.
It should be noted that most of the research done on resveratrol has been in animal and test tube studies using very high amounts. Of the human studies conducted, most have used the supplement form of resveratrol, which is in a concentrated form higher than you would get through food. Still, there may be benefit to taking a supplement and including foods high in resveratrol in one’s diet, but be sure to discuss the idea of supplementation with a healthcare provider first.
HerbaSway, a line of herbal liquid concentrates based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, developed a resveratrol compound made from extracts of giant knotweed and the skin and seeds from grapes. Because these extracts are in concentrated form, they contain a level of resveratrol that far exceeds that found in red wine. One serving from a 60-serving bottle of HerbaSway Resveratrol delivers the heart-health benefits of more than a bottle of red wine. Liquid concentrates are better absorbed into the bloodstream as well as easier and more enjoyable to take every day, making them an excellent form for a supplement.
Dr. Franklin St. John is the founder of HerbaSway. To learn more about HerbaSway’s formulas that are synergistically blended to produce optimal balance in the body, visit