In This Issue: January 2020
There’s No Time Like Now
Cyrece, who usually writes this letter, is taking a break to recover from ankle surgery that we hope will relieve years of chronic pain. She’d been holding out, waiting for the perfect window of time to have the operation, but the reality is there’s never a good time to spend six weeks off your feet. Cyrece finally bit the bullet when the pain became too much—and the impossible suddenly became doable. Now that she’s on the mend, she’s looking forward to years of pain-free living.
Her experience fits with the New Year’s theme of this month’s issue, which is all about taking positive action to add life to your years. While medical solutions are sometimes unavoidable, there are plenty of natural ways to boost immunity and strengthen the mind-body-spirit bond. With that fact in mind, we’ve put together a number of great articles to help you kick-start your 2020. Among my favorites: “Longevity Through Hiking” (page 24), by Roger Dubin, who interviewed local hikers who are in their 80s and still going strong, thanks to their age-defying habit and the peace of mind that nature brings them; and “Living Long and Well” (page 28), by Melinda Hemmelgarn, who suggests that in the modern era, one key to a long, happy life is connecting with what inspires you.
My takeaway from all this is simple. The best time to take care of yourself—to fix that chronic problem, to take that walk in the woods, to follow your dream—is the present moment. No New Year's resolutions required.
Wishing you health and happiness in 2020.
Cyrece and Michael