Clairvoyant Tori Quisling Offers Three Workshops in August
Clairvoyant Tori Quisling will lead three live online workshops in August. The subjects are working with a pendulum, parenting the sensitive child, and using aromatherapy to increase intuition. All three will run from noon to 1:30 p.m.
In Pendulum Exercises for Telepathy and Clairvoyance, set for August 5, students will practice several telepathy exercises and learn how to ask questions and tune in to a person or situation using a pendulum. They will need a pendulum or a simple pendant on a drop chain.
On August 12, Quisling, who is a parent and schoolteacher, will present Seeing Your Child in a New Light: Techniques for Spiritual Parenting and Sensitive Children.
“Our children give us the opportunity to grow spiritually and know ourselves better,” she says. “This workshop will give you practical tools to identify your sensitive child and your sensitivity as a parent, and techniques to nurture and support your sensitive child.”
Genie in the Bottle: Using Essential Oils and Intuitive Aromatherapy for Healing and Intuition is set for August 19.
“Essential oils are actually healing ‘spirits’ that communicate and heal not only on a physical level but on spiritual, emotional, and mental levels as well,” Quisling says. “Sometimes we have lots of oils but aren’t sure how to best work with them to heal and increase our intuition. I will help you practice and explore five key intuitive principles of using essential oils.”
Cost: $30 per class. Preregister to receive a link and materials. For information and registration, visit