Better Lymph Flow Means Better Health, Says Manhattan Practitioner

When Tammy Kohlschmidt describes the lymphatic system, what comes to mind is an Italian sports car: It’s capable of amazing things when it’s working right.
“It’s so important to keep our lymphatic system flowing,” says Kohlschmidt, founder of Thermography For Health NY. “It’s our detoxification highway, moving toxins through our body to be eliminated. It also houses important immune cells to protect us and help us heal.
The tricky thing about lymph is that it easily stagnates and can get sticky. This can start a disease process that increases toxic load and microbial imbalance.”
Bodywork techniques that keep the lymph flowing are among the many wellness services and therapies offered at Thermography For Health NY. Kohlschmidt—a certified clinical thermographer, licensed dental hygienist, certified Body Talk practitioner, Tibetan Tones sound healer and nutritional evaluator—founded the Manhattan practice more than 10 years ago, drawing on the various treatment modalities she’d encountered throughout her career. Her focus is providing integrative approaches based on the concept of the four levels of healing: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
“Thermal imaging can reveal early signs of disease,” she says. “With these early warnings, we’ve been able to implement simple protocols to correct the body’s physiology to a healthier state,” she says. “In addition to lymphatic flow, the keys are hormonal balance, breathing patterns, proper digestion, stress management, and control and prevention of illness.”
Location: 120 East 56th St., 12th Floor, New York, NY. For appointments and information, call 212-838-8884, email [email protected] or visit