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What’s the Point If Nobody Gives a Shift?

Moving beyond fear and into love and enlightenment

By Robin Landau

I’ve had several conversations lately about the importance of keeping our vibration high—and not in the lower bandwidths of fear—as we each navigate our own ascension process. There seems to be some confusion around this. 

I’m not suggesting that we must be in the vibration of love, rainbows and unicorns 100 percent of the time in order to evolve or ascend consciousness. We are human, after all. We’re here to experience the full spectrum of emotions, not to bypass the soul lessons we came here to learn.

But we also can’t stay in those lower bandwidths if we want to exponentially shift our consciousness. We need to align our thoughts, emotions and belief system with the life we want to manifest. 

I can’t imagine that anyone would consciously choose to manifest a life full of chaos, drama and misfortune—all of which are a vibrational match to a fear-based belief system—but that’s what you’re doing if you allow the ego mind to dictate how you feel, think or act in any given moment. So when you get triggered by what someone says or does or by the seemingly unstable state of the world, and you hold on to negative, fear-based thoughts that cause you to react in ways that don’t align with the life you want, something has to shift. 

We all have the opportunity to express and experience our highest and best potential self. Isn’t that what we all want—to live our best life? 

What Is Ascension?

Simply put, ascension is being more conscious of being conscious. When we’re consciously aware of being engaged in our lives and taking responsibility for our own reality, we can fully experience the “awakening” process of enlightenment. 

In fact, we’ve already achieved ascension. Our etheric lightbodies have already ascended out of this universal quantum matrix; now our biological soul carrier—our human form—needs to catch up. It’s just a matter of consciously choosing how “high” vibrationally we want to go. 

There’s a version of you in every dimensional bandwidth all the way up to your Godhead self—a future you reaching down through time and space to guide you, leaving breadcrumbs for you to follow (like intuitions, synchronicities, and light-coded messages that show up in books and movies). Through this process of divinely inspired free will, the future you is counting on you to make the higher choices so that it/you can integrate and merge with you and continue to exist. I know that’s a mouthful, but how cool is that? 

Whether or not you’re aware of it, we’re experiencing a paradigm shift and a rise in consciousness. We can collapse unfavorable timelines that don’t align with the highest expression of ourselves, and that’s where our power lies. In order to do this, we must continuously rise up into higher vibrations of love and not linger in the lower bandwidths of fear.

When thoughts of fear or doubt come in—and they will—let them. Feel and lean into your emotions fully and consciously. Notice how they trigger you, how the ego mind attempts to pull you out of alignment. From a young age we’re conditioned to buy into various belief systems designed to keep us small and controllable. But ego is a consciousness outside of ourselves; it’s not who we really are. Its only mission is to stay alive, and its food source is our fear. 

Dissolving Ego

So how do we dissolve the ego? The first step is reclaiming our power by shifting into higher consciousness. 

This is an ongoing process, so keep at it. Acknowledge each emotion that shows up for you. If it’s fear based, thank it for giving you an opportunity to master something in yourself—even if you don’t know what that is. Then let the emotion pass through you like a screen door. Just let it go and fill that void with golden white light. 

Choose to shift and go higher: Think higher thoughts. Make higher choices. Reach for higher goals. Express the highest version of yourself!

Robin Landau, is a master teacher/practitioner of Marconics Ascension Energy. For more information, email her at [email protected] or visit Marconics.com.

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