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Sustainable Dentistry in Tribeca

Directory Page: Tribeca Center For Integral Healing

Dr. Lewis Gross leads the way on “green” solutions that protect health and environment

Dr. Lewis Gross believes in the power of sustainable dentistry to change the profession and the patient experience. That means natural (think “green”) solutions that are less expensive, less invasive and support patients’ systemic health, as well as protecting the environment. 

His Tribeca practice, Holistic Dentists, has been at the leading edge of his field for decades, with its emphasis on the interconnection between oral and whole-body health. But sustainable dentistry represents a new stage of that journey, he says—one full of cool ideas, ecological products and new technologies.

“We’re living in a new era where patients are more socially and environmentally conscious and seek dentists who practice their craft in a way that benefits society, and not just their own profit,” he says. “This isn’t some gimmick or fad, because an educated consumer controls the marketplace and often now chooses a holistic-ecological dentist rather than their in-network insurance option. Many patients don’t realize that the PPO/HMO dentist indirectly works for the insurance company and is limited in their diagnosis by that bottom-line mentality.”

Reducing Toxic Exposure

Holistic Dentists has supported mercury- and BPA-free treatment for more than 40 years. 

Gross and his team were pioneers in reducing the amount of mercury drained into the Hudson River by forcing dentists to filter their waste. They support the Minamata Convention on Mercury, a global treaty to protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of mercury. 

By avoiding BPA, they are protecting patients—especially their youngest ones—from a volatile plastic used in many dental products, Gross says.

“Particularly in sealants, BPA can cause estrogenic hormonal changes in children,” he explains.  “Dr. Parnian Yazdi in our office is the only holistic pediatric dentist in the metropolitan area. She treats children with love and compassion.” 

The office’s holistic oral surgeon offers ozone and a patient’s own blood stem cells, instead of pig bone, when extracting infected root canals. Patients can also receive a CBCT 3-D low-radiation x-ray of previous root canals.

The pH Solution

Gross and his team teach their patients that the secret to preventing decay and remineralizing teeth is to reduce oral acidity. 

“Low-saliva pH promotes bad bacteria that cause tooth decay and bad breath,” he says.

To help patients reduce their oral pH as part of their at-home oral-care regimen, Gross developed the Alka-White line of hygiene products and the fluoride-free Alkaline Oral Cleanse protocol. It involves reducing acid erosion of tooth enamel by changing diet and lifestyle; regularly testing oral pH; and using Alka-White mouthwash and Alka-White toothpaste tablets, which are SLS-free, portable and certified vegan.

“An educated dental consumer assumes responsibility for their own health through good hygiene, frequent professional cleanings and having their restorations brought up to code,” Gross says. “The patient is a critical partner in sustainable dentistry.”

Holistic Dentists is located at 17 Park Place, in Tribeca. To make an appointment, call 212-732-2200. On-line consultations are available for non-local patients. For more information, visit Holistic-Dentists.com.    

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