Sacred Space 69: A Love Story
Sacred Space 69 (SS69)—an online store offering healing and spiritual tools, such as crystals, candles, tarot cards, chronicles and a custom T-shirt line—is only eight months old. But the concept gestated for 10 years in the minds and hearts of Angela Valeroso and Theresa Mayo.
“It’s a labor of love—love for self, friends, family and one’s heritage,” Mayo says. “It’s a celebration of growth and potential, of healing, recovery and grace. We launched the online store with visions of turning it into a café and holistic wellness center. It took a lot of hard work and support from our tribe, which we lovingly call our Sacred Squad, to get our mission across and into its birthing stage.”
Mayo describes the Sacred Squad as a growing community of likeminded people who came together post-pandemic in appreciation of the healing arts and sciences.
“We faced our fears, insecurities, limiting beliefs and childhood dysfunctions, and in completion found love,” she says. “We explored different practices and now share these to everyone through SS69, which you can further read about in our blog. We all can make our dreams and wishes come true, trust the universe, trust the process, let go and let God. Open your eyes and heart to the magic of love, let go of all your fears. Love yourself, be gentle in the process, smell the roses, set your intention and have faith.”
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