Reasons to Consider Life Coaching Instead of Therapy

by Candida R. Diaz
While therapy and coaching can overlap in some ways, they are two very different approaches for meeting someone's needs. Therapy focuses on mental health treatment, while coaching, on the other hand, is more wellness centered. Neither is better than the other; it’s merely a personal preference and requires a clear understanding of the desired outcome.
Therapy is an excellent option for individuals seeking help managing mental health struggles like depression, anxiety or PTSD. When a person comes in for therapy, it’s often because their symptoms have exceeded what is typical. An example might be someone crying uncontrollably more days than not or having ongoing panic attacks that interfere with their daily functioning. These symptoms require more of a clinical approach to resolve them.
Coaching, however, falls under the scope of health and wellness and is for everyone and anyone. In coaching sessions, individuals are generally functioning well and ready to tackle specific goals in their life. Typical coaching clients are well enough emotionally to put their attention and energy toward goal creation in areas such as self-growth, family, performance, career, relationships and more.
Consider these five reasons for working with a life coach when therapy is not needed:
Extra support, direction or accountability is needed while working toward an important life goal.
You find yourself on a self-growth path.
A short-term approach is needed to help reach a specific goal.
There is a desire to move out of the past and a readiness to work towards creating change.
There is an understanding that coaching is both an emotional and financial investment in one’s overall wellness, and you’re ready and able to commit.
Candida R. Diaz is a board-certified coach, specializing in wellness and relationships. For more information, visit or FaceToFaceCounseling