Keep Calm During the Holiday Season

Energy, an online platform carrying innovative nutraceuticals, therapeutic and care cosmetics, and veterinary products, is offering 25 percent off membership, just in time to support our bodies during the busy holiday season.
At Energy, they believe that the body has the ability to deal with imbalances of all kinds all by itself. Just as the immune system constantly heals and protects us, our autonomic nervous system works for our psychological balance and mental well-being. The sympathetic and parasympathetic are two major antagonistic nervous systems that work like yin and yang. The sympathetic stimulates, incites, speeds up, and the parasympathetic calms, slows down and relaxes. The coming holiday season makes our sympathetic nervous system very active, so we should seek to support our parasympathetic system to stay in balance.
To do this, eat a good diet, exercise, limit exposure to overloading information and cultivate friendly relationships. Capture a moment every day for mindfulness activities. It is also vital to make sleep a priority as the brain and body need this valued time for the restoration process. A simple yoga trick that can help people regenerate from holiday stress is to breathe out consciously longer.
Herbs are also well known as stress fighters such as magnolia, lavender or kudzu root. Look for products and supplements that include them to keep calm during the holidays.
For more information on membership and products at Energy, visit Product.Energy.