Quitting is Possible

Healing and Breaking Addictive Habits with Stephen Quinn
Quit with Quinn, with locations in midtown Manhattan and Garrison, is known for helping people break addictions. But there are many people who have some kind of coping habit that they're not sure is really an addiction.
Owner Stephen Quinn—who specializes in freeing people from addiction to alcohol, sugar, overeating, smoking and drugs, as well as behavioral addictions—says that the way to know if our habit is really an addiction is to ask ourselves the following questions: Does it take me away from doing what I want with my life? Does it derail my health? If not now, will it in the future? Can I just put it down without some kind of intervening help?
“Here at Quit with Quinn, we're not promoting perfection,” explains Quinn. “It's best in life not to aim for total perfection. It can take too much energy and bring a self-imposed imbalance into your life. It's a crazy world and having some kind of ‘treat’ can help you stay sane. Our aim is to help people live better lives more free to do what they're on this Earth to do. When you upgrade your habits, you'll upgrade where your life will go and the quality of life you'll have along the way.”
Quinn says that humans are meant to be free to choose what they want in life; however, for many reasons in this culture, people accumulate a massive amount of unnatural traits, habits, thinking and even goals and identities. “There's been a big disconnect from 'as it was meant to be’. This baggage prevents, and what happens inside the treatments is a potent and actual removal of certain energies and an appearance of space in a person. From here, they have more freedom to do what they want and to leave behind what they don’t want.”
The treatments Quinn performs are done with healing energy. He describes the healing forces as absolutely real and powerful, and adds that they are part of the infrastructure of the universe our creators put in place to assist humans in our progression. “I’ve found that one area the healing can tangibly and rapidly affect is freeing people from addictive patterns and behaviors. I've been at this 23 years and the results are tremendous!”
After receiving these treatments, Quinn says people report mainly a surprising and welcome disinterest in whatever they were addicted to. “Normally, when people quit something, they have to muster all their will to the task. People tell me that it's not just like the door closed on the addiction, but there isn't even a door anymore. Serious drinkers have quit with no side effects. Steady smokers for decades just let it go.”
Quinn has developed his skills through countless workshops and trainings in the United States, Europe and the Middle East, as well as within his own personal development and healing practice where he has helped thousands of people to quit their addictions.
On December 2, 9 and 16, 2022, starting at 6:30 p.m. and lasting 30 to 45 minutes, Quinn is conducting a free Q&A event about addiction-cessation treatments, titled Quit with Quinn, Addiction-Free Naturally.
For more information or to make an appointment, call 914.473.2015 or visit QuitWithQuinn.com.