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Astrology for March 2023 – with Pamela Cucinell

Hidden Gems

Opportunities beckon March 1 for those able to step out of their comfort zone. Stay the course March 2, but implement inspiration and magical connections when they appear. A warrior’s courage March 3 bring results that satisfy. Keep alert and honor commitments on March 4 when exuberance soars and compels. More is required than indicated to make it happen March 5; be prepared with backup plans. Mine below the surface because wealth hides in the details March 6.

A New Orientation

The March 7 Virgo full moon shines as Saturn, which symbolizes structure and discipline, enters Pisces to support our ability to adapt over the next few years. Conversations and collaborations engage March 8. Dialogue shifts March 9 as mitigation softens an impasse. Compromise works March 10 if power balances. Explore new options without fear March 11; often the answer requires fresh perspective. Process emotions March 12 to clean the slate for new beginnings.

Fast Forward

Even a short walk in nature March 13 refreshes your outlook to initiate a week of flow. First thing March 14, set projects in motion and reserve play for the later day. Productivity churns March 15. Address practical matters March 16. Community activities gain emphasis March 17. Creative innovations explode March 18, either for individual projects or within a group project.

Age of Aquarius

Meditation and reflective time strengthens goals March 19. The spring equinox March 20 demands accountability; take action. The March 21 Pisces new moon ignites an intention for your big goal. Burn that fire of desire March 22. Pluto steps into Aquarius March 23 to signal that change is upon us. Be part of the change because there is no going back. Some fear the changes; spiritual connection with nature dissolves concerns March 24.

Stay Grounded

Focus on taste and touch soothes on March 25. Confusion accelerates March 26. Turn down the noise March 27 to keep centered. It becomes easier to pace yourself March 28. Distractions abound March 29; take breaks, quiet the breath and find safe harbor. Work on ongoing projects March 30. Playtime on March 31 heals the soul.

Pamela Cucinell offers guidance, validation and spiritual insight with a practical twist. To find her comprehensive forecast of 2023, visit InsightOasis.com. To find her weekly podcast, visit ActiveSpirituality.Life. To schedule a one-time or ongoing sessions, contact her at 917.796.6026 or [email protected]

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