Connect with Deceased Loved Ones

“Have you checked in with the dead recently?” asks Medium Gail, a trained spiritualist who aims to bring forth bits of evidence voiced from the other side to reassure her clients that their loved one is alive and well in spirit.
According to Medium Gail, every medium works differently, and every spirit communicates in its own way. “Some souls chatter on about the work they did in life or their former hobbies, while others like to tell you what they’re doing in their new home. Sometimes they offer apologies and other times they offer advice,” she explains. “Spirits can speak in words, or they may prefer to send pictures. While typically a parent, a grandparent, or an old friend shows up, a communicator can easily be your dead neighbor, teacher or co-worker.”
Medium Gail studied mediumship intensively for three years, absorbing the time-honored methods offered by the spiritualist church while further developing her skills in small groups under the tutelage of well-respected teaching mediums. “A reading from a medium can be instructive, healing or simply entertaining. It can be happy or sad, methodical or a bit zany,” she affirms. “However, one thing is constant, a medium reading is often enlightening in its own small way. If you’re feeling drawn to a session, I’m happy to be of service to you and your loved ones who have passed into spirit.”
Visit to set up one of her concise 20-to-30-minute readings.