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Divining in ‘the Field’

A conversation between Marconics Collective Consciousness, and Alison David Bird, the Founder of Marconics Ascension Energy Healing.

In light of the “Code Red” issued by the UN regarding climate change, we will talk about co-creation of the New Earth through “the field of connectivity,” and the role to be played by the waters of the Earth.

ADB: Describe what you mean by “the field” you speak of?

MCC: The field is all of the present people, organisms, places and life on earth creating a beat, a pulsation. It combines like a fog, or a blanket, and if you are a lucid traveler, you can divine and access this “field.” 

Field work, or magic, is the ancient way, and is also the key to the new way of being. The interconnected nature of this world is perceived through “the field”; it is seen that you are all pushing and pulling each other through this blanket of energy particles. This “field of connectivity” is where the new “now” is created, instant by instant, and if you are to change the direction of a possible future, this is where it is done. 

“The field” can be a way to see things that allow the mind in its infinite reach to touch and manipulate the new instant. It is not confined to the body or the skull. This open vastness, this vague panoramic focus, leaves room for us to work with Divine energy to organize, re-organize, form and make repairs. 

MCC: Can you tell us more about the rising waters? 

There is a water shift happening, both in water itself, and in what it can and cannot do. The capabilities of human beings to commune through “the field” will also be held, charged and discharged via the waters of the Earth. The miraculous waters of this world   will be grounding for many to connect with and be in touch with; their magnetic properties will hold the line open for greater communication between people.

To control the waters of this planet is also to control the spectral ballast of human interconnectivity. On a practical level, it is not positive to allow others to tamper with, or corrupt the water, or drug, or affect the cleanliness of water. It is important to conserve, protect and promote cleaner waterways. 

MCC: Do the waters have consciousness?

They are an element in consciousness. As from the perspective of this conversation, the waters of the planet are a note in the music of consciousness. Can you talk to that note? Yes. Can you experience a single note? Yes. So, yes, they have and are part of consciousness.

On another level the water is in the atmosphere, as well as on the surface of the planet; it is the base note, the ground wire to all human to human, and human to Earth connection, and this includes the water within the human body.

Bless the waters with intent; they can be cleansed this way. The body may also be healed this way.

This article was submitted by Robin Landau and Marconics Consciousness. Robin Landau, Marconics Master Teacher, is here to assist others on their ascension. She can be reached at 516-369-3653 or [email protected]

Alison David Bird, C.Ht, is the originator of Marconics Ascension Energy Healing. 

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