Free Lecture on Maintaining Hope in Today’s Climate of Fear
Share International will host a free lecture titled “In Today’s Climate of Fear, is There Reason to Have Hope?” at 2 p.m. on March 16 at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington in Huntington, New York.
Share International volunteers and event facilitators Judy Kretmar and Camille Laoang explain, “The information we will present is based on the Ageless Wisdom teachings and offers a spiritual perspective on the challenges confronting humanity. In the midst of the chaos and division gripping the world, a group of wise teachers led by Maitreya, the World Teacher, is here to guide and inspire us to reverse the damage we have done and overcome the dangers we face. They will help us set a new course for our future, creating out of the present turmoil, a world of justice, peace, sharing and brotherhood.”
Share International is a non‐profit and non‐denominational worldwide network of individuals and groups, all volunteers, whose work brings together two major directions of contemporary thought—the political and the spiritual. “Humanity now sits at a critical juncture,” affirms Share International volunteer James Weaver. “We face a very grim future if we don’t fundamentally change our approach to world affairs. The old ways of competition and greed must give way to policies based on justice and cooperation if we are to avoid catastrophic war and environmental degradation. According to Maitreya, the first step is for humanity to see itself as one and share the food and resources of the earth equitably. Please join us for this thought-provoking presentation.”
Admission is free. No registration required. Location: 109 Browns Rd, Huntington, NY. For more information, call 718-200-7965 or visit