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Healing Eczema and Psoriasis Naturally

By Dr. David Pollack

Both eczema and psoriasis can truly be a pain. Those suffering with either condition are often constantly dealing with itching, scratching, bleeding, scars and more—not to mention feeling embarrassed by the way it looks. These chronic autoimmune skin disorders can take a toll. For more than 15 years of helping others take control of their health, I’ve had the privilege of helping countless patients resolve these terrible issues. 

In my practice, I’ve seen everything ranging from mild to downright ultra-severe cases of these two similar conditions. Although there are some subtle characteristics that differentiate eczema from psoriasis, the reasons they happen are the same. Both are caused by an autoimmune attack upon the skin, which involves a variety of inflammatory responses. This results in damage and ulceration of the skin which often flakes, and then cracks, often resulting in bleeding in more severe cases. 

Thankfully, both conditions respond well to a holistic healing approach. I’ve assisted patients presenting with a wide spectrum of symptoms get their lives back. Not long ago I had a young patient whose skin was so horribly cracked in a few places that the tissue underneath was visible. We were able to resolve his condition using a natural approach. One of my recent patients is a 12-year-old girl who had severe eczema all over her body. She was also allergic to “everything.” Her condition was so bad that she was previously involved in clinical trials for pharmaceutical medications. When she and her mother came to my office, they were desperate for relief. In a few short months, she went from living with all over eczema to managing a few tiny spots around her elbows. 

My favorite latest case is a new father whose hands were so severely cracked and bleeding from eczema he couldn’t tolerate the experience of bathing his newborn baby. To refrain from hurting himself or bleeding on the bed, he wore gloves full of lotion every night. And, if that wasn’t enough, his job involved fixing machines with those super inflamed hands. As you’ll see in the photos, there is barely any evidence of eczema left. Resolving his condition was done all naturally and without any medications. 

All the above cases involved figuring out where each patient’s body, in general, was “malfunctioning.” Once that was revealed, I designed a complete treatment process to help their bodies do what they were designed to do. While each case is different, there are some common themes. Many people with psoriasis and eczema have digestive problems which can aggravate the immune system. Since 70 percent of the immune system lives in the gut, it makes sense that this is a frequent theme. 

Often the functions of detoxification are hampered. The liver, kidney and lymphatic systems can be compromised and lead to high levels of inflammation. When a person’s body tries to expel toxins through the skin, it can result in eczema or psoriasis. Additionally, hormone imbalances are not uncommon. It is not unusual to find thyroid problems such as Hashimoto’s or adrenal imbalances resulting in cortisol levels that are not compatible with healing. 

Whatever the reason, we discover what is going on with each person and customize a plan to help their body repair itself.  There’s nothing quite like witnessing another person getting their life back, feeling renewed and reinvigorated, and—after dealing with severe skin conditions—being proud to go out and be seen.




Dr. David L. Pollack is the founder of Pollack Wellness Institute, located at 66 Commack Rd., #204, Commack, NY. For appointments or information, call 631-462-0801, email [email protected] or visit PollackWellness.com.

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