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Natural Awakenings NYC & Long Island

Holistic Strategies to Ease Back-to-School Anxiety

By Dr. David L. Pollack

Now that back-to-school season is here, many of us find ourselves dealing with heightened stress—both in our children and ourselves. New classes, new schools, new peers, unfamiliar environments, demanding workloads, and the overall uncertainty of it all can trigger significant anxiety. For many parents, this stress is absorbed personally, creating a ripple effect that leaves everyone feeling overwhelmed. But why do some people seem to handle it better than others? While it might appear to be just a personality trait, there's often more at play—particularly in how our bodies are functioning.

Several common issues tend to underlie anxiety, especially during times of transition. One key factor is hormone balance, particularly in relation to the adrenal glands. These glands are responsible for producing most of the body’s steroid hormones, which play crucial roles far beyond what we typically associate with muscle-building. These powerful hormones interact directly with our DNA, influencing gene expression and triggering systemic changes.

Take cortisol, for instance—a hormone produced by the adrenal glands that’s best known for its role in stress response. When we’re under stress, cortisol levels rise, which can exacerbate feelings of anxiety. For those experiencing chronic or intense stress, cortisol levels may remain elevated even when there’s no immediate stressor. Add a stressful situation to this already heightened cortisol level, and anxiety can quickly spiral out of control.

Another critical factor often linked to anxiety is digestive health. While it may not seem directly related, there’s a reason we refer to a “gut feeling.” Our digestive system, particularly the small intestine, produces about 70 percent of our body’s neurotransmitters—chemicals that significantly influence our thoughts, moods and emotions. Any digestive issues can disrupt this delicate balance, contributing to anxiety. 

While all students face challenges during the back-to-school season, the way stress manifests can vary with age. Younger children may experience anxiety over new teachers, classrooms and making friends, while high schoolers might grapple with academic pressure, social dynamics and future plans. For college students, the transition can be even more intense, as they navigate a new level of independence. The stress, irregular eating habits, and late nights typical of a college student’s lifestyle can exacerbate anxiety, making it more pronounced. Regardless of age, the impact of stress on a student’s well-being is significant and often requires a tailored approach to manage effectively.

It’s important to recognize that when kids are stressed, it often affects the whole family, especially parents. As caregivers, we naturally take on the emotions of our children, feeling their anxiety as if it were our own. This shared stress can add another layer of pressure, making it challenging to remain calm and supportive. For parents, managing their own stress while helping their children navigate these challenges becomes a delicate balancing act. Understanding the root causes of stress and anxiety in both ourselves and our children is key to fostering a more peaceful and supportive environment during the back-to-school transition.

At our practice, we’re passionate about helping people overcome anxiety through a cause-based approach. By utilizing comprehensive blood tests and physical exams, we regularly identify the root causes of anxiety for so many of our patients. We then employ a holistic treatment plan, incorporating nutrition, supplements, Chinese medicine and various other modalities, from bodywork to emotional release techniques. This approach has enabled many of our clients to significantly reduce—and in many cases, eliminate—their anxiety.

Dr. David L. Pollack is the founder of Pollack Wellness, located at 66 Commack Rd., #204, Commack, NY. For appointments or information, call 631-462-0801 or visit PollackWellness.com.

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