Deep in Midwinter
By Alison David Bird, CHt, Originator of Marconics
The deep midwinter is a time for quiet reflection, another opportunity to identify “hangers on” in terms of old aspects of our selves that are no longer working for us and shed them in a sort of “death to self.”
This post-holiday “slump” can be put to good use in taking time to reassess your life, your journey, and to reevaluate new and potential choices and decisions that could be made in the coming year. Go deep, ask the difficult questions: Are you satisfied with your job? Or are you one of those that cries in the bathroom before going to work?
What about your intimate relationships? Do they provide an opportunity for you to be the best version of yourself? Or, do they make you feel “less than”? How about family members? During the recent holiday season did you get caught in the cyclical vortex of repetitive family drama that just sapped your energy? Did you bite your lip in toleration of someone who deliberately sets out to belittle you, simply because they hold a role in your family unit? Perhaps these are the ones sent to push you from your cozy nest of complacency.
Look deeper: friends, neighbors… do they still bring you the joy they once did? Or do they stand towering over you in an attempt to reduce your beliefs to ashes? Ask yourself if this is the life you want for yourself going forward? It’s time to dust off the cobwebs and have an energetic clear out of all the baggage that is no longer serving you—be ruthless!
This ascension cycle is about the end of the human experience, which has been played out in every way possible. And if you are choosing authentic, God-realized spiritual evolution over the technological transhuman agenda, you should be leaving the realms of fear and separation endured through the extreme duality of the 3D Earth experience. By raising the vibrational frequencies in your physical, mental and emotional bodies to release old programming and transfigure old behaviors, you emerge as a new being, through a blend of the best versions of yourself as a human, with aspects of Divinity descending as avatars from your Source Fields of origin.
These higher dimensional aspects of Self will usher in a new world where we shall live in constant connection with Source at the Godhead, with access through the Law of Communication to higher love, intelligence and wisdom, which will guide you through your remaining days on Earth. Cosmic intelligence is ready to filter down through the holographic structure of the universe and merge with you to enhance your experience, so make some space!
Get your house ready to realize this new state of beingness and bring your dreams and desires into manifestation through the most benevolent alignment of your Soul Self, as your ascending consciousness connects into Living Light geometries on the axis of vertical time to access gateways into higher dimensions, delivering us into newly accessible consciousness corridors on future timelines of 5D Earth.
This article was submitted by Robin Landau, Marconics Master Teacher, who is here to assist others on their ascension. She can be reached at 516-369-3653 or [email protected].
Alison David Bird, C.Ht, is the originator of Marconics Ascension Energy Healing. For more information about Marconics, practitioner training courses, spiritual alchemy, and personal transformation workshops, visit