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Hope for a New World Offered in Free Lecture Screening

Share International volunteers will host a free video screening of a lecture given by British artist and author Benjamin Creme at the Cinema Arts Centre in Huntington at 2:30 pm on Sunday, January 26.

For over four decades, Benjamin Creme was the principal spokesman for an extraordinary message of hope. Through his books and lectures (receiving no compensation), Creme shared the information that a group of highly evolved teachers known as the Masters of Wisdom are returning to the everyday world at this time of exceptional crisis for the earth and its people.

According to Creme, the Masters, led by Maitreya the World Teacher, are here to help us create a new, peaceful civilization based on cooperation and justice, beginning with sharing the food and resources of our planet more equitably.

Since entering the modern world in 1977, Maitreya has been working behind the scenes to foster conditions which will allow Him to address all of humanity simultaneously. He will make His appeal for us to see ourselves as one human family and to reshape society to reflect that reality.

In 1982, Creme founded Share International magazine, which has been a source of information about Maitreya’s progress, offering insights from the Ageless Wisdom teachings, highlighting global positive changes, and reporting on miraculous signs heralding his return.

“Millions around the world have heard this message of hope,” says Share International volunteer Jim Weaver. “We invite you to listen with an open mind and decide for yourself if it rings true.”

For more information visit Share-International.us.

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