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Natural Awakenings NYC & Long Island

In This Issue: May 2020

Time to Heal 

As we sift through our day-to-day lives amidst uncertainty, we have plenty of time to heal ourselves from within. Our pace has slowed, we’ve welcomed much-needed rest, our bonds with family have strengthened, and we’re learning to do the best we can with what we’ve been dealt.

The article “Finding Calm,” on page 33, has helped me heal. I suspect it will help you too.

Like most of you, I’ve been feeling a bit despondent, with an uncharacteristic lack of energy and the nagging realization that I’m not eating as healthfully as I used to. My motivation to get moving has been nonexistent. I’ve been recirculating the same three pairs of sweats, and the biggest moments of my day are doing the laundry, cooking constantly for our two teen boys and loading the dishwasher. Some days I feel fine—others, not so much. 

Who can live like this? With no end date in sight, I’ve decided it’s time to snap out of it! So as soon as the boys are all set up with their distant learning, I put on my workout clothes and hit the bike. With endorphins in full swing, I immediately feel better: My body and mind thank me. Suddenly my day has a new kick to it. 

As the article states, “To heal means to make whole. It doesn’t mean to make something go away.” 

We cannot make the virus disappear, but we can bring patience, humility, empathy and forgiveness into our new normal. With this outlook, we’ll gain emotional stability to get us through the days ahead.

So find something to look forward to. And remember, “When life gives you lemons . . .”

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