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Ulcerative Colitis is Curable

The prevalence of ulcerative colitis is increasing rapidly in all western industrialized countries. With this severe intestinal disease, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed with bleeding ulcers. While causes are mostly unknown, it is suspected to be partly caused by damage to the mucosal barrier by the toxic exposure to detergents, pesticides, heavy metals and other pollutants. Mainly, though, the cause is believed to be from the widespread malnutrition from a diet consisting of too much meat, milk products, sugar, white flour products, fat, salt and industrially processed foods, along with the frequent use of antibiotic therapies that damage the complex ecosystem of the intestinal flora. 

The result is an intestinal mis-colonization, an overgrowth of the intestinal mucosa with anaerobic putrefactive bacteria that produce toxins and bleeding ulcers. This leads to an intestinal immune system that can no longer produce immunocompetent lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that helps the body fight disease and infection. These incompetent immune cells then attack the intestinal mucosa and increase inflammation. 

Drug therapy is aimed against autoimmunity, produces severe side-effects, and makes the disease chronic since it does not treat the root cause. In the end, all too often the only option left is to perform a subtotal colectomy with a J-pouch, a kind of sack designed to hold back the intestinal contents. The result of this procedure is mostly unsatisfactory due to inflammation, faecal incontinence and sexual impotence. We know from many years of experience, this disease can be cured permanently with a consistent rehabilitation of the intestinal microbiome through a carefully and individually tailored fresh vegetable food diet—initially liquid, later pureed—which gradually brings the intestinal flora in order. 

All Dr. Bircher Manuals.

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