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Natural Awakenings NYC & Long Island

In This Issue: November 2022

Change is Good

Can you believe that it’s November already? Time is flying by! Before we know it, 2022 will be in the rearview mirror. While autumn’s splendor was magnificent, the leaves are just about gone on most of the trees and we're gearing up for Thanksgiving. 

It's a big month for our oldest, who will no longer be a teenager, and college application time for our youngest. It's nice to see routines returning to normal and our boys' lives being as busy as ever. As their lives have shifted and evolved, so has mine. I've gone from being a stay-at-home mom to working part-time again to prepping myself for life as an empty nester. I’m still not sure how I feel about it. But, knowing that we can't go backward in life, it has pushed me to be productive and get myself out there in many ways.

How do you manage change when you have been doing the same routine for a long time? I’ve been getting up early for years, so that's not an adjustment. However, showing up and delivering is. The need to prove that I still have something to offer weighs heavily on my mind. And the idea of failure is a big blow to the ego. How much do I still have in me to contribute? What is the best way I can be of service? And when I put myself out there, will I be accepted and treated as an equal? Things look and feel differently from when I was a young woman, with less to worry about and more opportunities to take risks. I was footloose and fancy-free, without fear, and ready to take on the world.

But is it fear that I now feel? I’m not entirely sure. Maybe it's anxiety that sails through my system as I'm getting ready to head out the door for my job. When I arrive at work, what seems like scrutiny may just be my imagination. As I pass people in the hallways, why do I assume some of them want me to fail? Do my coworkers really care about what I'm doing and how I’m doing it? Maybe because I'm the newbie trying to get the hang of things, I don't immediately convey confidence. It isn't easy to prove to those around you that you are still capable. But do I really have to prove anything? What if I just did my absolute best—whatever that looks like each day—and allowed the unfolding of my feeling more capable and confident as time passes.  

We all go through change—for better or worse. And when everything aligns, there's so much to be thankful for. With that, I will forge ahead and count my lucky stars that the only support that truly matters comes from the three people that mean the most to me—and if they believe in me, then what more do I need?

May you all have a bountiful Thanksgiving filled with laughter, joy and positivity!


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