In This Issue: March 2022
Early Adapter
I think my mother was ahead of her time when it came to plant-based foods. She was always
experimenting with vegetables from our garden, much to my dismay. Hey, I was a kid, and
veggies just weren’t my thing—yet. I give Mom credit for trying to introduce vegetables into my
daily life. Some were definitely better than others, and some left a bad taste in my mouth (add in
smirk). No kid wants to be forced to eat their vegetables.
Somewhere in my 20s I decided to become a vegetarian. At the time I’d suddenly gotten very ill
after eating red meat, plus I was living in NYC with a vegetarian roommate, so the transition was
quite easy. Still, I had no clue how to cook meals that didn’t contain a protein. So Mom to the
rescue: She bought me my first vegetarian cookbook. I still have it; the pages are well worn and
splattered from many a cooked meal. I experimented and found that I could sustain myself sans
Today the plant-based movement is much easier to adapt to, since every grocery store has so
many options to choose from. I even turned my boys on to veggie burgers!
Am I still a vegetarian? No, I found that I missed fish and chicken, although I don’t eat red meat.
But do I prefer eating vegetarian? Yes, most of my meals are still plant based, because simply
put, I just feel better when I eat that way.
If you haven’t jumped on the veggie movement, take a gander at our article “Plant-Based Foods
Go Mainstream,” on page 15. Maybe you can extend your reach by incorporating something
new, one meal a day. If I could get my meat-loving boys to give it a try, I’m guessing you can
In Good Health, Cyrece
In Good Health, Cyrece